Your Black Friday shopping is done, tomorrow is Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday are next week. But with Christmas now just a month away, you may be struggling to move the needle on your Clausometer. Well, we’re here to help you with your Christmas spirit!
We have suggested at least one activity for every day from December 1 to Christmas. Read the entire list all the way through now, though, so you can make sure you have what you need for each day.
Thursday, December 1: Today is National Christmas Lights Day, so take a drive through the Fantasy of Lights in Garven Park. If you’re in the Jasper Area, check out the activities planned during O’Tannenbaum Season 2022.
Friday, December 2: Ask Alexa to play the Acapella Christmas playlist. Watch a Hallmark Christmas movie.
Saturday, December 3: Decorate your tree and your home. Attend a Christmas parade. See Polar Express at the Astra Theatre in Jasper, Indiana.
Sunday, December 4: Today is National Cookie Day, so bake up some of your favorites. Go to the Peppermint Pops at the Victory Theatre.
Monday, December 5: Make paper snowflakes to hang throughout the house.
Tuesday, December 6: Write a letter to Santa and mail it to Santa Claus, P.O. Box 1, Santa Claus, Indiana 47579.
Wednesday, December 7: Watch Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. In Vincennes, check out the ABBA-Solutely Christmas at the Red Skelton Museum.
Thursday, December 8: Walk the Rivertown Trail at Historic Newburgh Winterlights.
Friday, December 9: Host a party. Go see A Christmas Carol at the Old Town Players Theatre in Vincennes.
Saturday, December 10: Check out the Santa Claus Arts & Crafts Show at Heritage Hills High School.
Sunday, December 11: Gather a group of people and go caroling.
Monday, December 12: Play Christmas Trivia.
Tuesday, December 13: Visit a senior citizen’s home and cheer up elderly folks who have no family.
Wednesday, December 14: Watch Frosty the Snowman.
Thursday, December 15: Decorate a gingerbread house. Watch Elf.
Friday, December 16: Today is National Ugly Sweater Day! Feel free to make your own. Host a party and invite all of your Ugly Christmas Sweater friends! Be sure to vote for the most original, the most tacky (aren’t they all tacky), the best couple,
Saturday, December 17: See the movie, Christmas Vacation at the Astra Theatre in Jasper, Indiana.
Sunday, December 18: Bake Christmas Cookies. Drive around and look at the Christmas lights in your community. Follow Evansville Christmas Lights, Owensboro Christmas Lights, and Newburgh Christmas Light Show for more details, maps, etc.
Monday, December 19: Make some hot cocoa.
Tuesday, December 20: Grab a journal and write about your favorite Christmas memory.
Wednesday, December 21: Create a new tradition. Maybe a new tradition could be taking a vacation instead of exchanging gifts. How about creating a family holiday bucket list and seeing how many things you can do in December. Matching Christmas pajamas would be nice for the entire family.
Thursday, December 22: Pop popcorn and string a garland.
Friday, December 23: Host a holiday game night. There is no shortage of Christmas-themed games on Amazon.
Saturday, December 24: Listen to Michael Buble narrate Twas the Night Before Christmas. Watch A Christmas Story on TBS/TNT. Don’t forget to put out cookies and milk for Santa Claus.
Sunday, December 25: Relax! Open presents, fix a dinner with roast beast, and take a nap. You survived!

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