How to Make 2019 Your Best Year!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As nice as it is to say “new year, new me,” putting in the work to create the “new me” takes a certain level of conviction and belief in yourself to actually make the changes you want to see. Making small changes every day can slowly help you create the lifestyle you want for yourself. We’ve listed a few ideas that will cost you precisely $0 to help make your 2019 your best year (and you) yet!

Put Down Your Phone
Ever since the new iPhone update a few months ago, I’ve become painfully aware of how much time we spend on our phones. I would hate to see how many total hours (days/weeks) of my life I’ve spent staring down at that glowing screen, and I know many others who feel the same. So, maybe this year is the year to practice being more present wherever we’re at and enjoying the moment rather than recording it or texting through it.

Limit Social Media time
Sort of in the same category as phone time, but limiting your time spent on social media belongs here all the same. I think it’s pretty clear to almost everyone by this point that social media is toxic. If you find yourself trying to compare your life to someone’s highlight reel then remember that most of what people post only tells 1/10 of the actual story. There’s nothing wrong with making a post, but don’t let it affect your sense of self validation.

Take a 30-60 Minute Walk Every Day
Not only is this good for your physical health, but your mental health as well. I know at least for me, motivation is occasionally M.I.A. Walking, however, is something that doesn’t require an excessive amount of effort which makes me more likely to do it. Whether it’s breaking up your walks into 6 10-minute walks a day, 3 20-minute ones, or even just going for one 30 minute walk, any amount of movement is better than none. You owe it to yourself to take a few moments of your day to take care of yourself.

Turn off the Television
Sometimes it’s really nice to kick back and get lost in a 6-hour Netflix binge session. It’s when it becomes a daily habit that it really becomes a problem. With so many hours of our day already spent at work, do something that makes you a better you during the precious hours that remain of your day. Talk to your family, read a book, go for a walk with a friend… just don’t let your television dominate your time.

Eat less fast food
Sometimes convenience prevails when you’re not in the mood to cook, but your wallet and health will thank you for setting aside fast food. Invest in a crock pot and let it cook your meal all day for you, or prepare meals on a Sunday night and throw them in the freezer for those days you really don’t feel like cooking.