Spreading Cheer

Reading Time: 4 minutes

While “singing loud for all to hear” is one way to spread holiday cheer, a more concrete way to share love and joy this holiday season is to give to people and organizations that are truly in need of resources to help them live more fully.  Whatever holiday(s) you celebrate this winter season, you’re probably being encouraged to think less of yourself and more of others.  You may even be receiving solicitations from various organizations asking for your year-end donations.  But how do you sort through them?  Consider sorting them into various categories and then evaluate how each cause lines up with your priorities and experiences. Here are a few broad ideas that might speak to your heart:


The top of the school year is a popular time to donate backpacks brimming with supplies, but those contributions don’t last all year. Donating everything from markers and glue sticks to books for the classroom library and sports equipment is welcomed and appreciated throughout the semesters. In addition to supplies, students always need clothes, shoes, and coats. Contact a school in your community to learn how to help.You can also consider giving to organizations such as evscfoundation.org/teacher-locker,where educators shop for free classroom items; donorschoose.org; or adoptaclassroom.org to support a teacher’s special request.

Extra donations around the holidays benefit senior residents in care facilities to help them feel less lonely.

Older Residents 

Whether receiving care in an assisted-living facility or continuing to live in their own homes, many older Hoosiers depend on the kindness of strangers. Check care homes in your area for a list of commonly requested items, such as socks, slippers, robes, fuzzy blankets, tissues, toiletries, stationery, games, and puzzles. Ask local places of worship if they have members who might need transportation, food, visitors, or household help. Southern Indiana’s SWIRCA (swirca.org) can connect you with folks who may need assistance. Alternatively, give the gift of time by volunteering at a local nursing home over the course of the next year. 


Some groups are limiting what used items they’ll accept this year (call before cleaning out your closet). Still, you can load up children and families with things like diapers, baby wipes, formula, art supplies, new toys and games, personal hygiene products, gift cards to retailers and gas stations, new clothes, and shoes. And of course, area food pantries are always grateful for a collection of nonperishables. Try contacting a local women’s shelter (albionfellowsbacon.org), homeless mission (ozanamfamilyshelter.org), or cancer charity (cancerpathwaysmidwest.org) for suggestions. Also, Patchwork Central, Carver Community Organization, and Holly’s House each serve distinct and vital missions in the Evansville Community.  

Animal shelters provide important services for all sorts of animals and can use your year end financial donations.


Pets anticipating their forever homes deserve extra love and comfort to make waiting less worrisome. Local animal shelters usually need leashes, food, blankets, toys, cat litter, cleaning supplies, volunteers, and foster parents for animals awaiting adoption (vhslifesaver.org). But it’s not just pets who need our help. Sponsor a rescued cow, turkey, chicken, rabbit, rooster, pig, or goat at spots like Uplands PEAK (uplandspeaksanctuary.org) or Kanda Farm Sanctuary (kandafarmsanctuary.org) Shelters and sanctuaries have growing lists of needs, so visit websites and social channels for the scoop.


New cellphones, computers, and TVs sprinkle wish lists of children and adults alike. But what to do with the old ones? Easterseals Crossroads (eastersealscrossroads.org) collaborates with CareSource to supply refurbished computers to people with disabilities. BDPA Indy (bdpa-indy.org) collects used electronics to add to the e-learning lab at Camp Atterbury, and Cell Phones for Soldiers (cellphonesforsoldiers.com) gathers old phones to provide cost-free communication for those serving our country. For additional resources, head to nonprofitrecycling.net and epa.gov (search “ecycling”).

Safety First

Not familiar with a charity that interests you? Check out greatnonprofits.org, bbb.org, or charitynavigator.org to verify the organization’s credibility.

What charities and nonprofits do you like to support?  Let’s Talk! F.C. Tucker Emge REALTORS® supports various nonprofit organizations throughout the southwest Indiana region.  We all have to do our part to keep our communities healthy and happy for everyone to enjoy.

Special thanks to our collaborators at Indianapolis Monthly and Emmis Communications for curating this informative and unique content.  Do you receive Client Connections in your mailbox?  If not, talk to your F.C. Tucker Emge agent about how to receive this monthly mailer.