Selling a Home Because of Divorce

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We came across an interesting and helpful article for people going through a divorce and selling their home from Active Rain, written by Karen Bernetti, Advice for Couples Selling a Home Because of Divorce. Divorce is a difficult time without the added stress of trying to sell a home, so this article had some great tips to get through the process.

A few tips we would like to highlight from the article:

-Do whatever you have to do to put that hurt, resentment, hate fear or whatever else your feeling aside. Get counseling, join a support group, spend time with family/friends who are positive and supportive, read inspiring literature, exercise, pray, meditate. Do what works best for you.

-Don’t underestimate the healing power of TIME. Give yourself TIME to process the many emotions you’re experiencing right now. If possible, take time to grief the loss of your marriage BEFORE you take on the sale of your house. Remember, it’s a process that can’t be rushed.

-Most importantly, hire a competent and reputable Realtor to represent you. Be honest about what you’re going through and make sure that person has experience with your type of situation.

-Remember the job of an agent representing a couple who’s hostile to one another or not communicating well is extremely difficult! Your agents wants to help you – let him or her do the job and don’t make it harder than it needs to be.