Home Maintenance Checklist

Reading Time: 2 minutes

May is the perfect month to prep your home for the warmer days ahead! Here’s a handy checklist to ensure your home is in tip-top shape and ready to enjoy all summer long:

Inspect Your Air Conditioning: Schedule a service for your AC unit to keep it running smoothly. It’s better to catch any issues now before those hot summer days arrive!

Clean Gutters and Downspouts: Clear out any debris from winter and spring to prevent water damage and ensure proper drainage during summer storms.

Check Detectors: Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries if needed. Safety first!

Freshen Up Outdoor Spaces: Dust off patio furniture, clean your grill, and spruce up your garden. Your outdoor living areas are about to get a lot of use!

Examine Roof and Windows: Look for any signs of damage or leaks. Early repairs can prevent bigger issues when it’s too late.

Declutter and Donate: Tidy up indoor spaces and consider donating items you no longer need. A clutter-free home is a happy home!

Refresh Walls and Floors: Touch up paint where needed and give your carpets a deep clean to breathe new life into your spaces.

Embrace the change in season by giving your home a little TLC. Not only will it look great, but you’ll also ensure everything is functioning correctly for the months to come. 

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